
Thoughts About Paths for Digitization of Traditional Chinese Medicine - Refined Data Elements

  • 摘要: 中医药数字化,除了进行诊疗客观化研究,中医理论数学模型研究,用现代信息技术对已有的海量的中医药信息进行数字化处理外,笔者认为作为中医药工作者,首先需要做的基础工作是对传统中医药知识点进行系统全面的精细化分析,以使用于计算机智能化的数据元更加“同一”,避免歧义。为此要突破一些认识论上的束缚,细致分析数据元之间的关系,这样,才能取得系统性的成效并很好地为中医药服务。


    Abstract: For digitalization of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), research is being conducted on objectivization of diagnosis and treatment, mathematical models of TCM theories, and application of modern information technology to digitize the vast amounts of existing information. However, the author believes that TCM practitioners should first conduct a systematic and comprehensive refined analysis on the knowledge of TCM and unify data elements used in computer intelligence to avoid ambiguity. Thus, we must overcome the epistemological constraints and carefully analyze the relationship among data elements to achieve systematic results and administer TCM appropriately.


