
Regularity of Wind-dispelling Medication Prescribed by LI Dong-Yuan: A Data Mining Technology-based Study

  • 摘要:
    方法收集和整理李东垣作品中使用的风药,整理原始资料,利用数据统计和挖掘软件,如SPSS 22.0,Modeler 18.0,xMiner进行数据挖掘。通过使用风药的频率分析、关联规则分析、核心药物网络分析和因子分析,揭示其使用风药的证候特点、治疗特点以及处方用药规律。


    ObjectiveTo extract and analyze information on the regularity with which wind-dispelling medication was prescribed by LI Dong-Yuan and many doctors of his school of thought and to provide theoretical basis and ideas for modern clinical application to facilitate the use, research, and development of these medications.
    MethodsOriginal data on wind-dispelling medication described in LI Dong-Yuan’s works were collected, sorted and organized. Data mining and comprehensive analysis were performed by using a series of data processing softwares, such as SPSS 22.0, Modeler 18.0 and xMiner. By reviewing LI Dong-Yuan's writings on wind-dispelling medication, the number of prescriptions for wind-dispelling medication were counted. Frequency of use of wind-dispelling medication was determined, and association rules analysis, factor analysis, and core drug network analysis were used to reveal associations of the symptoms of syndromes and treatment with wind-dispelling medication and to reveal the regularity with which these medications were prescribed by LI Dong-Yuan.
    ResultsA total of 356 prescriptions and 121 flavors of wind-dispelling medication were observed. Among them, five kinds of medicinal properties, seven kinds of medicinal tastes, and 12 kinds of meridians were identified. Furthermore, herbs were divided into 18 categories according to their efficacy. Statistical analysis showed that there were 23 wind-dispelling medications that were prescribed with a frequency of ≥ 60. The mainly used drugs were Saposhnikoviae Radix (Fang Feng, 防风), Bupleuri Radix (Chai Hu, 柴胡), Cimicifugae Rhizoma (Sheng Ma, 升麻), Notopterygii Rhizoma Et Radix (Qiang Huo, 羌活), Puerariae Lobatae Radix (Ge Gen, 葛根), Chuanxiong Rhizoma (Chuan Xiong, 川芎), and Ephedrae Herba (Ma Huang, 麻黄). In addition, we analyzed the association rules wind-dispelling medication and obtained 23 one-to-one drug association rules and 11 multiple-to-one drug association rules. The core drug network analysis data visualization showed core drugs used in the treatment of external wind assailing the exterior (wind-cold, wind-heat, wind-dampness, etc.), wind-stroke, and tonifying middle and replenishing Qi. Factor analysis was performed on the drugs used by LI Dong-Yuan, and finally 4 groups of wind medicine combinations were obtained.
    ConclusionsThis data mining-based study on the regularity of wind-dispelling medication described in LI Dong-Yuan's works is of great significance, because it reveals the clinical application of its theoretical formulae and medications.


