
Analysis of the hotspots and trends in traditional Chinese medicine immunomodulation research based on bibliometrics

  • 摘要:
    方法通过从WoSCC数据库和中国知网中检索有关中医免疫调节研究的相关文献,文献检索时间截至2020年。使用CiteSpace 5.7.R1和Microsoft Excel 2016软件对文献进行了作者、机构、国家、关键词及引文的共现分析和载文期刊双图叠加分析以及引文突现分析等。
    结果共纳入12 270篇与中医免疫调节有关的文献。该领域的年文献量呈上升趋势,其研究的国家和机构合作紧密,但学者之间合作较弱。其中,中国是全球范围中医免疫调节研究合作网络的核心。载文期刊的双图叠加分析显示核心领域和边缘领域都在不断增加。关键词和被引文献分析显示网络药理学、代谢、癌症是持续至今具有高强度突发性的高频词。


    ObjectiveTo analyze the intellectual structure, hotspots and trends of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in immune regulation research.
    MethodsThe data were extracted from the Web of Science Core Collection (WoSCC) and the China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) and verified by two experienced TCM researchers. The time of literature retrieval is up to 2020. CiteSpace 5.7.R1 and Microsoft Excel 2016 were used for the statistical analysis and bibliometric diagrams, including the co-occurrence network of authors, institutions, countries, keywords, references, dual-map overlays of journals and citation bursts, etc.
    ResultsA total of 12 270 publications related to TCM in immune regulation were included. The annual number of publications has increased in this field. There was close cooperation of countries and institutions, while the distribution of scholars was scattered. China was the core of the cooperation network. The dual-map overlays analysis of journals showed that core and marginal fields had increased. The keywords and references analysis showed that network pharmacology, metabolism and cancer were the most high-frequency keywords with high-intensity bursts.
    ConclusionTCM in immune regulation has attracted wider attention, with multi-country, multi-field, multi-disciplinary and multi-level research developing toward informatization. Network pharmacology, metabolism and cancer may be the focus of future research in this field.


