
Visualization analysis of the research status of FU Qingzhu’s Obstetrics and Gynecology based on bibliometrics

  • 摘要:
    方法检索国内中国知网、维普、万方数据库和国外WOS核心合集数据库(包含SCIE、SSCI和A&HCI), 选取1980年1月1日至2021年3月10日收录的所有《傅青主女科》研究领域相关文献,运用文献计量学研究方法及CiteSpace 5.7.R2可视化软件进行文献类型分析、载文期刊情况分析、被引文献分析、作者发文量、合作作者网络、合作机构网络以及关键词共现网络、关键词聚类和关键词突现分析。
    结果共纳入文献678篇,通过文献计量学分析分别找到该研究领域文献类型、高载文期刊、高被引文献、高产机构、研究团队和研究学者。文献类型主要分为四类,其中学术思想的理论研究有451篇,占纳入期刊文献比例的66.5%。最高载文期刊为《山西中医》(61篇),占纳入期刊文献总数的9.0%。最高被引文献是周铭心的《用计量化方法探讨<傅青主女科>方药特点》,被引用94次。发文量最大的机构是湖南中医药大学,发文量为45篇;高产作者中尤昭玲发文33篇,是发文量最高的作者。且高产研究者大部分来自高产机构,湖南中医药大学对《傅青主女科》的研究最多。关键词共现分析发现关键词“傅青主女科”出现频次最高(597次),中心性最高(1.00)。关键词聚类分析采用LLR算法形成11个较为重要的聚类:#0治病求本、#1妇科病、#2 四物汤、#3傅青主、#4产后、#5不孕症、#6痛经、#7不孕、#8 心肾相交、#9 当归补血汤、#10 治疗。对《傅青主女科》的方药研究2000年以前较多,理论研究主要在2010年之前,2010年至今主要挖掘其在临床上的应用。痛经、带下病、不孕症、血崩、多囊卵巢综合征等疾病,为近年来该研究领域的热点内容。


    ObjectiveThis study examined the research status and development process of FU Qingzhu’s Obstetrics and Gynecology (Fu Qing Zhu Nv Ke,《傅青主女科》, FQZNK) in the past 40 years with bibliometrics and visual analysis.
    MethodsRetrieved all related literature in the research field of FQZNK from the domestic and foreign databases: China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), China Science and Technology Journal Database (VIP), Wanfang Database, and Web of Science (WOS) core database, including Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), and Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI). The search range was from January 1, 1980 to March 10, 2021. In addition, bibliometrics and CiteSpace 5.7.R2 software were used to analyze literature types, published journals, cited literature, the number of author publications, co-author networks, co-institution networks, keyword co-occurrence networks, keyword clusters, and keyword bursts.
    ResultsA total of 678 valid records were included in the final dataset. Literature types, high publication journals, highly cited literature, high-yield institutions, high-yield research teams, and high-productivity scholars in this research field were found through bibliometrics. Literature types can be divided into four categories, among which 451 are theoretical studies on academic thoughts of FQZNK, accounting for 66.5% of the included journals. The Journal of Shanxi Traditional Chinese Medicine had the largest volume of published articles (61), accounting for 9.0% of the total number of the included journals. The most cited literature was ZHOU Mingxin’s article “Using the quantitative method to discuss author’s authenticity and formula characteristics of FU Qingzhu’s Obstetrics and Gynecology”, which was cited 94 times. Hunan University of Chinese Medicine, the institution with the most publications, published 45 articles, and YOU Zhaoling, the most published author, published 33 articles. Moreover, it was found that most high-yield researchers came from high-yield institutions and that Hunan University of Chinese Medicine had the most research on FQZNK. Keyword co-occurrence analysis revealed that the keyword “FQZNK” had the highest frequency (597 times) and the highest centrality (1.00). Keyword cluster analysis used the Log-Likelihood Ratio (LLR) algorithm to form eleven important clusters: #0 treatment aiming at its root causes, #1 gynecopathy, #2 Siwu Decoction (四物汤), #3 FU Qingzhu, #4 post-partum, #5 infertility, #6 dysmenorrhea, #7 sterility, #8 coordinate the heart and kidney, #9 Danggui Buxue Decoction (当归补血汤), and #10 treatment. It was found that the prescriptions of FQZNK were studied mainly before 2000, the theoretical studies were mainly conducted before 2010, and its clinical application was mainly explored from 2010 until now. Diseases such as dysmenorrhea, morbid vaginal discharge, infertility, metrorrhagia, and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) have recently become popular topics in this field.
    ConclusionThe current study provides more scientific, accurate, and comprehensive scientific support for further research and development of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in FQZNK. With this foundation, people can use burst detection to ascertain the current hotspots in research, get their development trends, and forecast future research directions. In addition, infertility, morbid vaginal discharge, flooding, and PCOS treatments based on TCM syndrome differentiation are currently popular research topics for FQZNK.


