关于ISO/TC 249中医药国际标准可视化探析

Visualization analysis of the international standard ISO/TC 249 for traditional Chinese medicine

  • 摘要:
    目的本研究对国际标准化组织/中医药技术委员会(ISO/TC 249)制定的标准现状及进展进行回顾,探讨中医药领域标准制定的项目策略,有利于中医药领域的对外经贸和交流合作。
    方法通过ISO官网获取ISO/TC 249有关的标准数据,主要涵盖标准的名称、提案时间、当前所处阶段、标准实施范围及国际标准分类数据,作为后续分析数据源。采用Gephi描绘 ISO/TC 249 标准主题的共现网络图。
    结果截至2022年4月30日,ISO/TC 249共有116个标准项目,其中已发布的标准有81个,正在制定的标准有35个。其中,有两个标准在发布后已完成修订,原发布标准进行撤销,未计入标准项目总数。自2014年发布第一个标准“一次性使用的无菌针灸针”以来,标准发布数量呈现逐年增加的趋势。其中,17.24%(20/116)的标准处于发布后定期审查阶段,56.03%(65/116) 的标准处于发布阶段,3.45%(4/116) 的标准处于审批阶段,5.17%(6/116)的标准处于咨询阶段,3.45%(4/116)的标准处于委员会审议阶段,14.66%(17/116)的标准处于准备阶段。通过国际标准分类法(ICS)分类号分析,上述标准研制集中在中药领域,占比达到49.54%。同时,网络分析数据显示,前 5 个最常用的词是“材料” “词根” “需求” “产品”和“系统”(去除介词、连词和代词等噪声数据)。此外,“系统”与“计算机化” “编码” “图像” “语言”和“分析”共同出现; “要求”与“制造” “煎剂” “工艺”和 “材料”共同出现;“设备”与“脉冲” “电” “皮肤”和“测量”共同出现。


    ObjectiveThis study proposes to visually review the current situation and progress of standards sets by the International Organization for Standardization/Technical Committee on Traditional Chinese Medicine (ISO/TC 249). The review aims to explore the development strategies of the standards, which will exhibit the considerable impact on the economy, trade and exchanges, and cooperation in the area of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).
    MethodsISO/TC 249 standards were searched on the ISO website, and their title, proposed time, current stage, scope, and classification were obtained for further summarization. Gephi was utilized to portray the co-occurrence network graph of the ISO/TC 249 standards subject.
    ResultsIn ISO/TC 249, there were 116 standards, including 81 published standards and 35 developing standards by April 30, 2022. Two withdrawal standards were published after revision, which were not counted in the total standards. The number of published standards has been increasing since the first standard was published in 2014, whose title was “Sterile acupuncture needles for single use”. Among these standards, 17.24% (20/116) standards were in review, 56.03% (65/116) in publication, 3.45% (4/116) in approval, 5.17% (6/116) in enquiry, 3.45% (4/116) in committee, and 14.66% (17/116) in preparation, respectively. With 116 standards, most of the research focused on the medicament, as its classification of the International Classification for Standards (ICS) showed the proportion reaching 49.54%. The network analysis data revealed that the top five most frequent words were “materials” “root” “requirements” “products” and “system”, after removing the noise data, such as prepositions, conjunctions, and pronouns. Additionally, the word “system” co-exists with the terms “computerized” “coding” “image” “tongue” and “analysis”; the word “requirement” co-exists with “manufacturing” “decoction” “process” and “materials”; whereas the word “devices” co-exists with “pulse” “electric” “skin” and “measurement”.
    ConclusionWith the increased diversification and complexity of problems, the development of standards is also oriented to multidisciplinary fields to cultivate the interdisciplinary talents, and especially the international standardization talents of compound TCM. Multi-angle analysis, formulation, and demonstration of standards, in line with industry needs in different disciplines, enhance the availability of standards and the ability to serve the industry.


