基于血浆非靶向代谢组学和肠道菌群16S rRNA测序技术探讨养心通脉方干预冠心病血瘀证大鼠的作用机制

Mechanisms of Yangxin Tongmai Formula for blood stasis syndrome in coronary heart disease rats based on untargeted plasma metabolomics and intestinal flora 16S rRNA sequencing

  • 摘要:
    方法18只SPF级雄性SD大鼠建立冠心病血瘀证模型后,随机分为模型组、养心通脉方组和阿托伐他汀钙组,每组各6只,灌胃干预2周。另取6只一直正常饮食的大鼠作为正常对照组。苏木精-伊红染色法(HE)染色观察大鼠冠状动脉病理变化及检测心电图、血流变和血脂生化指标,液相色谱-串联质谱联用技术(LC-MS/MS)技术分析大鼠血浆非靶向代谢组学,16S rRNA测序技术分析回肠黏膜菌群以及对两者代谢组学进行相关性分析。
    结果与正常组相比,模型组大鼠全血黏度、总胆固醇酯和低密度脂蛋白胆固醇酯均显著升高(P < 0.05);模型组冠状动脉内皮细胞增生破坏,内皮下有大量空泡状改变,药物组冠状动脉内皮病变程度减轻。LC-MS/MS结果共筛选鉴定出血清 33 种潜在内源性代谢物,其中1-甲基组氨酸、N-乙酰组胺、黄体酮和脱氧皮质酮可能成为冠心病血瘀证疾病模型的差异性代谢物,16S rRNA结果显示养心通脉方组肠道菌群的多样性和丰富度有所改善,通过相关性分析,与冠心病血瘀证高度相关的变形杆菌门HydrogenophagaLimnohabitansPolaromonas菌属等与5-羟基吲哚、N-乙酰组胺和黄体酮等血浆代谢产物呈正相关(P < 0.01),与L-精氨酸、高精氨酸和Boc-β-氰基-L-丙氨酸等血浆代谢产物呈负相关(P < 0.01);经养心通脉方干预后与其高度相关的拟杆菌门(乳杆菌目)Lactobacillus菌属、泉古菌门Candidatus Nitrososphaera菌属及放线菌门Corynebacterium菌属与Boc-β-氰基-L-丙氨酸、水苏碱和柚皮素等血浆代谢产物呈正相关(P < 0.05),与5-羟基吲哚、N-乙酰组胺和油酰单乙醇胺等呈负相关(P < 0.05)。


    ObjectiveTo investigate the correlations between intestinal flora, plasma metabolites, and blood stasis syndrome in coronary heart disease (CHD), and the mechanisms of Yangxin Tongmai Formula (养心通脉方, YXTMF) for blood stasis syndrome in CHD rats.
    MethodsA total of 18 specific pathogen free (SPF) male Sqrague-Dawley (SD) rats were used to establish CHD rat models with blood stasis syndrome, which were then randomized into model, YXTMF, and atorvastatin calcium (AVT) groups, with six rats in each group, and were intervened through gavage for two weeks. Subsequently, additional six rats that received normal diet were included as normal group. The pathological changes in the CHD rat models were identified by hematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining. The electrocardiogram, hemodynamics, and lipid profiles of the rats were detected as well. The untargeted plasma metabolomics of rats were analyzed by liquid chromotography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), their ileal mucosal flora by 16S rRNA sequencing, and the correlation between the two results were also analyzed.
    ResultsThe whole blood viscosity, total cholesterol (TC), and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) of rats in the model group increased compared with those in the control group (P < 0.05). In the model group, the proliferation of endothelial cells in the coronary artery of rats was damaged, with quite a few vacuolated pathological changes observed. However, the endothelial lesions in the coronary artery of rats were alleviated in the intervention groups (YXTMF and AVT groups). With the use of LC-MS/MS, a total of 33 potential endogenous metabolites were identified in plasma, among which 1-methylhistidine, N-acetylhistamine, progesterone, and deoxycorticosterone were expected to be the differential metabolites in CHD rats with blood stasis syndrome. The 16S rRNA sequencing results showed that improved diversity and abundance of intestinal flora were observed in the YXTMF group. The correlation analysis suggested that Hydrogenophaga, Limnohabitans, and Polaromonas, which were highly related to the formation of blood stasis syndrome in CHD patients, were positively correlated with plasma metabolites such as 5-hydroxyindole, N-acetylhistamine, and progesterone (P < 0.01), but were negatively correlated with plasma metabolites such as L-arginine, homoarginine, and Boc-beta-cyano-L-alanine (P < 0.01). After YXTMF intervention, Lactobacillus, Corynebacterium, and Candidatus Nitrososphaera were positively correlated with plasma metabolites such as Boc-β-cyano-L-alanine, stachydrine, and naringenin (P < 0.05), while negatively correlated with 5-hydroxyindole, N-acetylhistamine, and oleoylethanolamide (P < 0.05).
    ConclusionYXTMF could alleviate blood stasis syndrome in CHD rats through improving their plasma metabolisms achieved by regulating the intestinal flora.


