
Intelligent question answering system for traditional Chinese medicine based on BSG deep learning model: taking prescription and Chinese materia medica as examples

  • 摘要:
    目的 基于深度学习的方法,利用知识图谱构建中医药知识库,探寻联合模型在中医药智能问答系统的应用。
    方法 以《方剂学》和《中药学》规划教材为基础建立知识图谱,作为智能问答系统的知识来源,本研究提出一种BERT+Slot-Gated(BSG)深度学习模型,获取用户自然问题中包含的中医药实体和问句意图,通过实体和意图在知识图谱检索答案返回给用户,运用Flask框架和BSG模型研发中医药智能问答系统。
    结果 构建了包含3 149个实体和6 891个关系三元组的中医药知识图谱,通过问题语料测试,本系统在回答中医药20类问题的实体识别F1值为0.996 9,意图识别准确率为99.75%,表明本系统具有较高的实用性和可行性,并通过微信公众号平台实现了用户与系统交互。
    结论 本文所提出的BSG模型通过提高向量维度在实验中取得了较好的结果,表明联合模型方法的有效性,可为实现中医药智能问答系统提供新的研究思路。


    Objective To construct a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) knowledge base using knowledge graph based on deep learning methods, and to explore the application of joint models in intelligent question answering systems for TCM.
    Methods Textbooks Prescriptions of Chinese Materia Medica and Chinese Materia Medica were applied to construct a comprehensive knowledge graph serving as the foundation for the intelligent question answering system. In the study, a BERT+Slot-Gated (BSG) deep learning model was applied for the identification of TCM entities and question intentions presented by users in their questions. Answers retrieved from the knowledge graph based on the identified entities and intentions were then returned to the user. The Flask framework and BSG model were utilized to develop the intelligent question answering system of TCM.
    Results A TCM knowledge map encompassing 3 149 entities and 6 891 relational triples based on the prescriptions and Chinese materia medica was drawn. In the question answering test assisted by a question corpus, the F1 value for recognizing entities when answering 20 types of TCM questions was 0.996 9, and the accuracy rate for identifying intentions was 99.75%. This indicates that the system is both feasible and practical. Users can interact with the system through the WeChat Official Account platform.
    Conclusion The BSG model proposed in this paper achieved good results in experiments by increasing the vector dimension, indicating the effectiveness of the joint model method and providing new research ideas for the implementation of intelligent question answering systems in TCM.


