• 摘要: 在制药行业中,天然产物是药物来源之一,而天然产物的主要来源则为药用植物。药用植物常用来治疗某些特定疾病,并可能成为潜在药物的来源。菲律宾卫生部批准了10种药用植物,分别蒜(Allium sativum)、艾纳香(Blumea balsamifera)、翅荚决明(Cassia alata)、柠檬薄荷(Clinopodium douglasii)、福建茶(Ehretia microphylla)、苦瓜(Momordica charantia)、草胡椒(Peperomia pellucida)、番石榴(Psidium guajava)、使君子(Quisqualis indica)和黄荆(Vitex negundo)。研究证明这些药用植物能够治疗感染和某些疾病。我们发现蒜能治疗伤口、高血压和牙痛;艾纳香对高血压的利尿治疗有效;翅荚决明能治疗疥疮、真菌感染、脚癣、黄癣、环癣;柠檬薄荷能治疗肌肉疼痛、关节炎、风湿病、咳嗽、头痛;小叶厚壳树能治疗腹泻和胃痛;苦瓜能治疗糖尿病;草胡椒能治疗痛风和风湿病;番石榴能治疗伤口和腹泻;使君子是一种驱虫药;而黄荆能治疗咳嗽、哮喘和发热。综上,这10种药用植物都含有可用作潜在药物来源的天然产物。然而,仍有许多民族植物物种尚未得到充分研究,并可能成为潜在药物的来源。因此,应该对其他植物物种进行更多的研究,特别是对于实际应用的植物。


    Abstract: Natural product is one of the sources of drugs in pharmaceutical industry, and one of the notable origin of natural product is the medicinal plants. Medicinal plants tend to cure some certain diseases and could be a source for potential drugs. The Department of Health of the Philippines approved 10 medicinal plants namely Allium sativum (Garlic/Bawang), Blumea balsamifera (Nagal camphor/sambong), Cassia alata (Ringworm bush/akapulko), Clinopodium douglasii (Mint/yerba Buena), Ehretia microphylla (Scorpion bush/Tsaang Gubat), Momordica charantia (Bitter Melon/Ampalaya), Peperomia pellucida (Silver bush/ulasimang Bato), Psidium guajava (Guava/Bayabas), Quisqualis indica (Rangoon creeper/niyug-niyogan), and Vitex negundo (Five-leaved Chaste Tree/lagundi). The review was conducted to show that these medicinal plants are capable in treating infections and some diseases. It was found that Allium sativum for the treatmet of wounds, hypertension and tootache; Blumea balsimifera is effective in diuretic treatment for hypertension; Cassia alata for the treatment of scabies, fungal infection, athlete's foot, tinea flava, ringworm; Clinopodium douglasii for the treatment of muscle pain, arthritis, rheumatism, cough, headache; Ehretia microphylla for the treatment of diarrhea and stomachache; Momordica charantia for the treatment of diabetes mellitus; Peperomia pellucida for the treatment of gout and rheumatism; Psidium guajava for the treatment of wounds and diarrhea; Quisqualis indica for anti-helmintic medicine; and Vitex negundo for the treatment of cough, asthma, and fever. In conclusion, these 10 medicinal plants have natural products that can be used as source for potential drugs. However, there are still many species of ethnobotanical plants that are not yet investigated thoroughly and might be a source for potential drugs. Therefore, more investigations should be done in other species of plant, most especially for the plants with practical used.


