
Analysis of the Phytochemistry and Bioactivity of the Genus Polygonum of Polygonaceae

  • 摘要: 蓼属(Polygonum)的主要化学成分是黄酮类,醌类,苯丙素类和萜类类化合物,具有抗癌,抗肿瘤,抗氧化,抗炎,镇痛,抗菌,杀虫等药理作用。本文总结了近15年来蓼属植物化学成分和药理作用的研究进展。


    Abstract: The main chemical constituents of the genus Polygonum (Polygonaceae) are flavonoids, quinones, phenylpropanoids, and terpenoids, which show anticancer, antitumor, anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antibacterial, insecticidal, and other pharmacological effects. This paper summarizes research on the chemical constituents and pharmacological effects of compounds from the genus Polygonum in last 15 years.


