
Lonicerae Flos:A Review of Chemical Constituents and Biological Activities

  • 摘要: 山银花作为中国传统中药, 在中国有数千年历史。目前, 山银花在湖南省有广泛栽培, 主要作为清热药和消毒药应用。山银花主要包括咖啡酸衍生物、挥发油、黄酮类化合物、环烯醚萜苷和萜类化合物, 主要有抗炎、抗肿瘤、抗氧化、抗过敏、免疫调节及抗菌活性等。本文通过查阅相关文献, 对山银花的化学成分及其生物活性进行了全面的系统总结。


    Abstract: Lonicerae flos, a widely used traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), has been used for several thousand years in China.As a famous traditional Chinese herbal medicine, it was used as heat-clearing drug and alexipharmic agent and was widely cultivated in Hunan province.L.flos mainly contains biologically active compounds such as caffeic acid derivatives, essential oil, flavonoids, iridoid glycosides and terpenoids.A range of biological activities has been reported from plant extracts including anti-inflammatory, antitumor, antioxidant, antiallergy, immunomodulating and antibacterial activity.In this study, the author investigated ancient books of TCM and nowadays reports, summarized the chemical constituents, biological activity of L. flos to provide a comprehensive systematic review.


